Mindy Aunkst: Top Fundraiser, Survivor, Believer
Mindy Aunkst, of Harrisburg Pennsylvania, is new to the Komen family. She’s started her team, Cindy’s Healing Rainbow, in 2021 in honor of her mom’s 20-year cancer free anniversary. Four months after participating in the Greater Pennsylvania Virtual MORE THAN PINK Walk, Mindy was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma through her routine six-month mammogram. Suddenly, Mindy’s team name went from Cindy’s Healing Rainbow to Mindy & Cindy’s Health Rainbow.
“I’ve suffered from guilt through this journey and struggled with sharing my story, but I read a devotion on Day 78 of Praying Through Cancer by Susan Sorenson & Laura Geist that encouraged me. Like Esther, “We may struggle with God’s plan, and we are given a choice to look at cancer as a burden or as an opportunity. We can say, “Why me, Lord?” or we can say, “Use me, Lord!”
I truly believe we need to be teaching and educating women much younger on eating healthier throughout our lives. I am currently reading the book, Breasts, The Owner’s Manual, by Dr. Kristi Funk. It is so enlightening and empowering, and I’ve only finished 3 chapters.
I really believe there needs to be more coordination when people get diagnosed with breast cancer. It is such an overwhelming diagnosis with decisions and steps, and then a HUGE manual of papers gets dumped on you, as well as trying to navigate time off work and insurance. That brought me to tears more than anything!
I also enjoyed brightening people’s day in the gowned waiting room or my radiology team by giving them Hershey’s chocolate.”
Mindy has earned the title of Top Fundraiser for the Pennsylvania MORE THAN PINK Walk this year raising over $1,000 in just three days! When we asked her to share her fundraising tip — she told us she shared a photo of herself ringing the bell on her social media channels with a challenge to her followers — Donate $16 for her 16 radiation sessions [and her birthday on July 16!].
To make a difference and support those affected by breast cancer, register a team for the East or West Pennsylvania MORE THAN PINK Walk — it’s free: komen.org/eastpawalk or komen.org/westpawalk
If you or a loved one needs more information about breast health or breast cancer, call the Komen Breast Care Helpline at 1–877 GO KOMEN.