Join the 2023 PA MORE THAN PINK Walk Planning Committee!
Passionate about helping make the event experience the best it can be for the fight against breast cancer? Join the MORE THAN PINK Walk Planning Committee!
The East and West PA MORE THAN PINK Walks are being planned for Sunday, May 14. To learn more about joining the committee or attending our first interest meeting, contact:
· East PA Planning Committee — Contact: Taylor Kazaoka, Development Manager,
· West PA Planning Committee — Contact: Molly Sweet, Development Manager,
Or complete our interest form!
PA MORE THAN PINK Walk Committee Information
General Committees Information:
· Each MORE THAN PINK Walk has its own planning committee that helps with event planning and recruitment.
o East PA Contact: Taylor Kazaoka, Development Manager,
o West PA Contact: Molly Sweet, Development Manager,
· The planning committee consists of:
o Committee Chair(s) — Oversees recruitment of the committee. Plans and co-manages meetings along with Komen staff. Motivates committee members to accomplish action items. Collaborates with Komen staff on Walk planning decisions.
o Committee Members –Can help with specific event areas or general tasks.
· Time Commitment
o Chairs: Monthly Strategy Meetings with Komen Staff — 1 hour each month starting in September
o Committee Meetings: 7 Committee Meetings — 1 hour each month starting in October
o Outreach for Recruitment & Action Items: 1+ hour each month
o MORE THAN PINK Walk Event Weekend
Committee Chair Roles & Tasks:
· Hope Village Committee Chair
o Honor and celebrate our survivors and those living with metastatic breast cancer! This committee works hard to create a celebratory, relaxing area exclusive for breast cancer survivors and metastatic thrivers. Tasks include coordinating all survivor tent logistics (activities, giveaways, décor) and coordinating the Pathway of Hope Procession!
· Pillar Committee Chair
o We lead from our mission to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer. Komen is the only breast cancer organization with four decades of experience in research, care, community, and action. The Pillar Tents at the Walk exemplify each mission area through interactive activities. Each tent requires 2–4 volunteers that the Pillar Committee Chair will help to recruit in addition to assisting with Walk Day training.
· Check-in/T-Shirt Committee Chair
o “Hello and Welcome!” The registration committee greets participants, assists in managing t-shirt pick up, coordinates with Komen staff regarding day of donations, and helps register walk-ups!
· Sponsorship Committee Chair
o Help us open the door to more corporate partnerships. This committee assists with sponsor research, outreach, as well as greeting sponsors on Walk Day!
· VIP and Top Team Committee Chair
o They raise, we praise! This committee helps recognize and cultivate relationships with our Top Fundraisers ($1,000+) and Top Teams ($2,500+). Committee is responsible for assisting with decorating the VIP Tent and securing prizes and gifts.
· Volunteer Committee Chair
o With nearly 100 volunteers helping at the MORE THAN PINK Walk, volunteers are the key to our success! The committee helps coordinate recruitment, job assignments, orientation/training, communications, support, and managing the Volunteer Tent.,
Why is the MORE THAN PINK Walk Important?
· In Pennsylvania, 85,110 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2022 and an estimated 27,260 deaths will occur. The MORE THAN PINK Walk helps provide funds for programs like our Helpline, Treatment Assistance Program, Advocacy, Stand for H.E.R. (Health Equity Revolution) and Research.
· Each week, 2,700 people in PA seek help and information from Komen serving all 67 counties! We have 3,406 people in PA advocating for breast cancer rights and to date, Komen has invested over $1.1 billion in life-saving breast cancer research since 1982. Our investments in breakthrough research, advocacy and patient support have increased early detection and helped develop more effective treatments, which has helped decrease the breast cancer mortality rate in the U.S. by 41% since 1989!
Vision: A world without breast cancer
Mission: Save lives by funding research breakthroughs for breast cancer, and ensure all people receive the care they need.