AtlantiCare and Komen CSNJ Work Together to Break Down Barriers in the Fight Against Breast Cancer
Funding Provides Opportunities to Save Lives in Atlantic County
With the help of our community partners, Susan G. Komen Central and South Jersey strives to provide life-saving breast health services to our 13-county service area. We are committed to breaking down barriers that might prevent someone from receiving the breast health care that they need.
AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center (ARMC) is one of our valuable partners in the fight against breast cancer. This community-focused hospital provides healthcare services and support in five counties of New Jersey, including Atlantic and Cape May counties.
With funding from Komen CSNJ, the team at ARMC helps to deliver screening and diagnostic imaging, patient navigation and transportation services through its Community Outreach Screening and Diagnostic Mammography Program.
The ARMC Community Outreach Screening and Diagnostic Mammography Program assists uninsured and under-insured people ages 35 and older in Atlantic County. It covers screening and diagnostic mammograms and follow-up care for those who have financial need.
“In addition to helping us provide screenings, Komen funds assist us in enhancing awareness about how vital age-appropriate breast cancer screenings are,” said Marilyn Brooks, community outreach coordinator, AtlantiCare Radiology.
You can see the impact that the Community Outreach Screening and Diagnostic Mammography Program has each year at the MORE THAN PINK Walk, where team members meet and greet with those affected by breast cancer inside the grantee tent. AtlantiCare continues to be a generous sponsor of the Walk, helping to raise the funds that directly support Komen CSNJ’s Community Grants Program.
According to Komen CSNJ’s 2015 Community Profile Report, Atlantic County has the highest mortality rate among African American women and some of the lowest survival rates among all races. Brooks and her team work hard to change these harrowing statistics — and ensure that the women in their community receive the compassionate care that they deserve.
“Having age- and risk-appropriate mammograms timely is important,” said Brooks. “The screenings, education, information and services we provide our community have had a tremendously positive impact. Women and men who benefit from this funding regularly share with the team and me how grateful they are.”
Through her role, Brooks can make an impact in the lives of women and men throughout Atlantic County every day.
“Helping patients navigate the breast cancer continuum of care improves the health and well-being of the community we serve,” said Brooks. “I’m so privileged to assist in this work through my role.”
Learn more about how we fund initiatives and programs that support the local community in the fight against breast cancer: