22nd Annual Golf For The Cure Event
The 22nd Annual Golf For a Cure Event was a huge success with 150 golfers and $165,000 raised this October! On Monday, October 11th, 2021, Susan G. Komen New Jersey, in partnership with our presenting Sponsor Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey (Horizon BCBSNJ), hosted our 22nd Annual Golf for the Cure Event joined by several other sponsors and partners.
Golf for the Cure is one of Komen New Jersey’s largest fundraising events, raising over $3 million since its very first outing in 2000. This event has helped Komen Fund our four pillars — Research, Care, Community, and Action both locally and nationally. These focus areas work to find cures, comfort, and support for those living with breast cancer, and advocate for access to care for all.
Golf for the Cure grows stronger every year thanks to incredible attendees, sponsors, and volunteers. This event has been made possible and evolved significantly because of the support from the Horizon BCBSNJ golf committee. We can’t thank Bud Baumann, Dirk Ruppert, and Charles Cooney enough for leading this event and continuously backing Komen’s mission to end breast cancer.
We look forward to another successful year in October 2022 for the 23rd Annual outing. Be on the lookout for details for that event early next year.